Rules and regulations
for the « Loire 725 » 2025
Dates and times
Conference on the environmental challenges facing the Loire on June 7, 2024 at 6 pm. Venue: Roanne harbour master’s office. All competitors must attend.A simple rule: participants paddle to the rhythm of the sun using a single or double paddle without any other means of propulsion (motors, oars, sails….). However, if a competitor fails to reach the finish line on time, the ranking will be based on the number of kilometers covered. The competitor will then be able to set off again the following day for the next stage. The tracker is authoritative.
Stage 1, Roanne – Saint-Satur June 8-9, 2024
The start of the first stage will be given on Sunday June 8, 2024 at 6am in Roanne (Loire, Auvergne Rhône Alpes) opposite the fire station, Centre d’Incendie et de Secours; GPS point 46°02’26.8 “N 4°05’12.3 ”E
Arrival at Saint Satur GPS point 47°20’15.3 “N 2°52’01.9 ”E
Stage 2: Saint-Satur – Orléans: June 10, 2024
Start: GPS point 47°20’15.3 “N 2°52’01.9 ”E
Finish: GPS point 47°53’25.2 “N 1°59’40.4 ”E
Stage 3: Orléans – Tours June 11, 2024
Start GPS point 47°53’25.2 “N 1°59’40.4 ”E
Finish GPS point 47°23’49.5 “N 0°41’02.7 ”E
Stage 4 : La Riche – Bouchemaine: June 12, 2024
Start GPS point 47° 23’ 25.5’’ N 0° 38’ 48.5’’
Finish GPS point 47°24’54.9 “N 0°36’49.4 ”W
Stage 5 : Bouchemaine – Mauves sur Loire: June 13, 2024
Start GPS point 47°24’54.9 “N 0°36’49.4 ”W
Finish: GPS point 47°17’37.3 “N 1°23’01.8 ”W
Stage 6 and final: Mauves sur Loire – Paimboeuf June 14, 2024
Start: GPS point 47°17’37.3 “N 1°23’01.8 ”W
The final finish will be in Paimboeuf (Loire Atlantique, Pays de la Loire), opposite the chaussée neuve lighthouse. The race will end on Saturday June 14, 2025 at 2 pm, GPS point 47°17’25.5 “N 2°01’57.3 ”W. For information, the tide will be falling.
Boats / bibs / trackers
Accepted boats: kayak K1 and K2, canoe C1 and C2, pirogue OC1 OC2 V1 V2, stand-up paddle single and tandem. All boats must be unsinkable or have buoyancy reserves.
The number of race numbers will be limited to 150 boats, including a maximum of 40 in relays. This race can be done in full or in relay
Relays will take place at discretion (only on public and identified water access zones: slipways, pontoons, bridges, etc.), and the number of relayers will be limited. A maximum of one relayist for each single-seater and 2 for each double-seater. A special relay ranking will be established.
Each boat will be fitted with a GPS tracker supplied by the “Loire 725” organization to monitor its progress. The maximum duration of the descent is 7 days, i.e. arrival before 2 p.m. on Saturday June 22. A deposit of €100 will be required for the tracker, which will be returned only on arrival. In the event of abandonment, the team must go to the finish of the stage to make the exchange.
In the event of abandonment, the team must go to the finish of the stage to make the exchange.
Respect for the environment / supplies / logistics / equipment
ATTENTION: France Nature Environnement will give a talk on environmental issues in the Loire Valley on June 7, 2025 at around 6 p.m. at the harbor master’s office in Roanne. All competitors must be present (at least 1 per boat), and any absence will result in exclusion from the race without compensation. Any appeals will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the race management.
Each boat must have its own shore team. A following team can take care of several boats. In this case, the boats will have to remain grouped together so that the following team can ensure the follow-up and the safety of the group. The relay runner(s) can also act as the following team.
Any abandonment must be reported to race management immediately. In this case, the boat and the competitor(s) will be taken in charge by the following team.
All boats, including SUPs, will be required to wear a FFCK-standard river lifejacket. For stand-up paddles, For stand up paddleboards, wearing a leash will be prohibited until Mauves sur Loire. The releasable belt leash becomes obligatory until Paimboeuf.
Each boat must be equipped with a waterproof cell phone, a charged external battery backup, and for each sailor a survival blanket, a whistle and a waterproof headlamp. Followers must provide their own telephone number All this equipment can be controlled at each stage.
The SNSM is our safety partner for the maritime part of the Mauves sur Loire – Paimboeuf race.
Disembarkation, embarkation and bivouac sites.
Each participant is responsible for his or her own logistics and refreshments, the rule being that participants must leave from where they disembarked to take a refreshment break. The tracker is authoritative.
They must take place on existing river facilities: slipways, quays, pontoons, etc. The aim is to avoid any trampling of banks, disturbance or trampling of nesting sites and habitats of all species.
Disembarkation and embarkation for the Nevers portage are given particular attention. A marked corridor will be set up to prevent the spread of “Jussie”, an exotic, aquatic and invasive plant. Depending on the level of the Loire, this may take the form of ground protection, for example, and may be located on the right or left bank.
Wild bivouacs are strictly forbidden along the entire 725 km stretch.
The book ‘La Loire vue du fleuve’ indicates all water access facilities.
We therefore ask you to give preference to motorhome, gîte or camping accommodation, in compliance with current legislation. A free camping area will be available near each stage.
Natura 2000, reserves and biotope protection orders
The entire race route is located in a Natura 2000 protected area, and in certain areas in regional or national nature reserves. Some sites are classified as “Arrêtés de protection de biotope”, which is the maximum level of protection. For this reason, every stop must respect the absolute prohibition on landing and, of course, bivouacking on all islands, sandbanks and riverbanks.
In certain particularly sensitive areas, the updated references of which will be provided, it will also be forbidden to sail within 50 m of the banks wherever possible, and SUPers will have to paddle sitting down to limit their visibility. These particular sites will be clearly identified on the map distributed to all participants.
Discharge of any kind is strictly forbidden, and any waste generated by competitors (e.g. refreshments on the water) must be handed over to the followers in a vehicle at each meeting.
In addition, all competitors must ensure that their behaviour and movements cause the least disturbance to the fauna of the Loire, particularly birds, some of which may be at the end of their nesting season. The use of drones is strictly forbidden along the entire route.
Please note that any infringement of these rules may result in a fine in addition to automatic exclusion from the race. This can be done on the basis of GPS data supplied live by trackers.
The Loire is the last wild river in Europe, let’s preserve it!
Ranking / entry conditions
Entries will be open to FFCK and FFS license holders whose license is up to date and marked “Competition”. Non-members and foreigners will need to provide proof of insurance suitable for this type of competition, including repatriation cover. You can still take out an “open” license with a medical certificate stating that you are fit to compete in canoeing, kayaking or stand-up paddling.
Please note that at the time of registration, a sports curriculum vitae will be required; the organization reserves the right to refuse a candidate if it deems his/her level or experience to be insufficient.
Price per boat:
Single-seaters 250 € (2 meals for 2 people)
Two seater 450 € (2 meals for 3 people)
Single-seater relay 400 € (prize: 2 meals for 2 people)
Two seater relay 600 € (prize: 2 meals for 4 people)
This price includes the rental of a GPS tracker per boat.
A deposit of €100 per boat will be required.
Classification will be by boat category, in women’s, men’s and mixed; same for relays.
Should a boat fail to reach the finish within the allotted time, it will be ranked according to the number of kilometers covered, with the tracker serving as proof. At the end of each leg, the general and daily rankings will be announced.
Any breach of the above regulations, particularly with regard to the environment, will result in exclusion by the race management, without compensation.
A comprehensive guidebook by Jean-François SOUCHARD will be very useful, if not indispensable.